A Seussified Christmas Carol
By: Peter Bloedel
December 2-4, Dec 9-11, 2022Directed by Carmen Ball
A whimsical reinvention of Dickens' most beloved Christmas story in wacky rhymed couplets. With zoot fruited juices and binka bird geese, from Bed-Headed Fred to Timmy Loo Hoo, this tale of glorious holiday cheer is similar to something Dr. Seuss might have come up with -- if he ever had his way with the story. A fun-filled Family Adventure telling the original Dickens' tale of redemption and joy!
Generously Produced by:
Enid News & Eagle on behalf of the United Way of Enid and Northwest Oklahoma and Security National Bank |
Fridays & Saturdays - 7:30 pm Sundays - 2:00 pm |
Ticket Pricing:
$18 Adult / $15 Military/ $8 Student |
Produced by special arrangement with Playscripts inc. (www.playscripts.com)
A Seussified Christmas Carol is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Dr. Seuss Enterprises.
A Seussified Christmas Carol is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Dr. Seuss Enterprises.